Thursday, 9 May 2013

Life, Oh Life

Just wanted to post a few snaps from everyday life: pics of my home and what I've been up to - not much exciting I'll admit! I'm planning to try out a new recipe this weekend that my Auntie has given me for sticky spare ribs so I'll be posting that over the weekend - looking forward to that. They've given out a pretty poor weather forecast so I think this weekend will be a case of cosying up with Bruce and my new book (The Somnambulist by Essie Fox), doing a bit of home cooking, maybe a gallery tour/pub crawl on Saturday...

Wakey wakey

Got to have a well stocked drinks tray! I'm actually looking to get some sours for making cocktails - I don't suppose anyone knows where I could get them from?

Waiting for the tram to get to work.

A good book and a cup of Earl Grey.

You are a handsome dog Brucie (and so stylish too!)

Blue Peter chic.

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