Sunday, 2 June 2013

A trip to Barcelona!

I haven't posted since last weekend and I can tell you why - we've been to Barcelona for a little break! I think we definitely needed it as we've not been away since August (excluding a night away in York for the wife's birthday) and sometimes things just get on top of you and you need a change of scenery you know. I've never been to Barcelona before (actually I've never been to mainland Spain before) and I can honestly say it is my new favourite city - it ranks above Paris and Dublin for sure and I am a big fan of both these cities. The whole lifestyle is completely different and it seems so much more laid back! The availability of amazing fresh produce, the sunshine, the fact that everyone either rides a bicycle or a scooter (I want one!) and the cute little cafes cluttering the Gothic Quarter made me not want to come back at all! I wish in the UK we could take a lead from the Catalonians in terms of the availability of fresh bread and baked goods, fresh meat and fish as well as fruit and veg. I know there are green grocers and fishmongers etc in Manchester but it's the quantity of them that doesn't compare. People would rather go to the supermarket to buy all their groceries than go to a specialist shop where the quality is far better and the price too! I don't want to get on my soapbox but you will see what I mean from these photographs I have taken from the La Boqueria market off La Rambla, the main shopping street.

I got up early on 2 of the days after the first time we visited the market on our first afternoon it was rammed with shoppers and tourists - all part of the atmosphere but I'm not a big fan of crowds! I would leave my fella in bed at the hotel and wander around the stalls as they were still setting up, the only other people about being the locals, so I could take some photographs of the amazing displays. Then I'd buy us some fresh fruit and pastries, attempting to use my limited knowledge of the Spanish language on the stall workers (though somehow they always knew I was English...) and then head back to the hotel for breakfast in bed.

This was definitely one of my favourite stalls - the variety of chocolates and confectionery made my eyes bulge and it all looked so beautiful! They almost looked too good to eat but that would definitely not be the case.

These were the beautifully vibrant marzipan fruits which covered one of the stalls - every fruit you could think of - and they look so realistic too.

Even the ice lollies were perfectly displayed, like a work of art. The market stall holders really take pride in their displays.

Ice cream in every flavour you could wish for. I myself went with a Viennese coffee and hazelnut (2 scooper). Heaven man.

Anyone for a meat lolly? Didn't try one of these myself...

I don't know how all the Spanish women can stay so slim with all of this on offer - we became big fans of the tarta de manzana (Spanish apple tart to me and you) as a breakfast treat.

I bought some spices from this stall to bring back to experiment with in my own recipes, as well as some rum and a bottle of whiskey (for the drinks tray which was getting a little low).

Barcelona is such a beautiful and inspiring city with stunning architecture and creativity everywhere. The two things I think I have taken from this trip are number one; to get the garden sorted and make the most of the space we have - the balconies of the Barcalona appartments were all crammed full of plants and flowers, making the most of those tiny spaces and I think our little bricked yard has definite potential. The second goal I have made inspired by our trip is to bake more bread. This has actually been put into action today as I have made a Mediterranean influenced brioche crown with mozzarella, parma ham and basil, a Paul Hollywood recipe, which I am going to post within the next few days. All in all an amazing trip with a lovely fella.

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