Saturday, 13 July 2013

Baked eggs with bacon bits

This is one of our favourite breakfasts - first seen (by me) on the lovely Rachel Khoo's Little Paris Kitchen however I always cook some lardons so they are nice and crispy and use them instead of the fish roe which she uses (not sure about that first thing in the morning...) She calls them 'oeufs en cocotte' which is obviously the french name for them but the good thing about this is you can add anything. I have seen quite a few variations of this done with different cheeses, ham, spring onions, mushrooms and other ingredients so you could just stick in anything you fancy which you have knocking about in the fridge. You don't have to cook these in tea cups I just think it looks cute and they are the perfect size for individual portions but ramekins are also fine. These are really easy to make and are very tasty - the perfect alternative to a full english and once you've made them once I can assure you they will become a breakfast favourite!

(for 2)
180g bacon lardons or pancetta
2 large eggs
Small pot crème fraîche
Salt & pepper
Fresh chopped parsley
Fresh crusty bread

First preheat your oven to 170°C.

Fry off your lardons until they are golden and crispy then transfer to some kitchen roll to absorb the excess fat.

In your teacups or ramekins put 2 tbsp crème fraîche in each then a twist of salt and pepper and sprinkle some of the lardons on top. Add another tablespoon of crème fraîche, then a few more lardons and then crack your egg on top of that. Add yet another spoon of crème fraîche, a few more lardons and a twist of salt and pepper, so you are layering up the ingredients.

Place in a bain-marie so the eggs cook more evenly and put in the preheated oven for about 8-10 minutes. The eggs should be set on top but still have a runny yoke. sprinkle on the chopped parsley and eat with fresh crusty bread. Delightful.

1 comment:

  1. I adore your teacups!!!! Where did you get them? X
