Monday, 1 July 2013

Sunflower seed and honey bread for a sunny Sunday

I've had some sunflower seeds in the cupboard for a few weeks now. I bought them with the intention of making some kind of bread and I have finally got around to it this weekend although never having made such a bread I had to do a little research first as I was worried the seeds might burn if I put them on the top. I came across a recipe for a sunflower seed bread using honey in the recipe which used a combination of white bread flour and wholemeal flour but for my own adaptation I used only white as I was all out of wholemeal. That's the beauty though as you'll just get a slightly different bread, perhaps a little less nutty. We have just been eating this by itself with butter so far and it is really nice and sweet and nutty but it would be nice with some homemade soup or a stew or even some cheese and pickle.

500g strong white bread flour
7g packet fast action yeast
300ml luke warm water
2 tbsp olive oil
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp runny honey
Handful sunflower seeds

Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl (I used an electric mixer for this recipe as this dough gets pretty sticky) then add the yeast and salt and mix. Add the water slowly then the olive oil and mix with the dough hook fitting for about 3 minutes. 

Turn off the mixer then squash a well into the dough and add the honey. Try to fold the dough in over the honey then turn the mixer on again for about another 3-4 minutes. Cover with cling film and a tea towel and leave to prove for an hour.

On a floured work surface knock back the dough (just by pushing out all the air) then shape into a kind of fat sausage, roll in the sunflower seeds and put into an oiled loaf tin.

Leave to prove again for about 30-45 minutes or until it has risen and springs back when poked. About 20 minutes before it is ready preheat the oven to 220°C.

Sprinkle with flour and bake for about 30 minutes then leave to cool for a couple of minutes before taking out of the tin and allowing to cool on a cooling rack. Pretty easy to make and really tasty!

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