Saturday, 31 August 2013

Mega Cheese and Bacon Skillet Scone

Really into my breads at the moment, in fact as I'm writing this recipe up I have some dough rising on the side and some garlic roasting in the oven for a (hopefully) lovely garlic and rosemary bread. This mega scone I can confirm was a lovely bread. It was really easy to make too and you don't even have to leave it to prove, literally just bash it together, stick it in the oven and bam ready. Ideal if you're short of time and all the ingredients are the kind of stuff likely to already be knocking about the kitchen. I just made this one weeknight and we had it with a couple of tins of tomato soup; dead easy and tasty (especially when eaten whilst still warm).

200g self raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
40g butter, cut into cubes
1 packet smoked bacon lardons (about 180g-200g)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
100g mature cheddar, grated, or any cheese of your choice (this is for quite a cheesy scone - just decrease the amount if you don't want it so cheesy)
about 100ml milk

First fry off your bacon until it is nice and cripsy then put aside on some kitchen roll to drain the fat from them.

Preheat your oven to 220°C and lightly oil an 8 inch skillet pan (don't worry if you dont have one you can use a cake tin or a casserole dish or even just a baking tray - I just like skillets and this creates a nice crust).

In a bowl mix together the flour, baking powder and cayenne pepper then add the butter cubes and rub in to the flour using the tips of your fingers (like you're making pastry) until you have no lumps of butter. Mix in the grated cheese and bacon bits then add a bit of milk, adding a little more until it comes together into a ball.

Knead a couple of times - you just want it to form a rough ball, don't be tempted to knead it loads as this will give the scone a tough texture.

Place the dough into the oiled pan and put a cross in the top by pushing the handle of a wooden spoon firmly through the dough (this makes it easier to break up later) then sprinkle with a little more cheese and some cracked black pepper and bake in the oven for about 35 minutes.

If it looks like it is browning too much turn the oven down to 200°C for the rest of the time.

Check it by tapping the bottom and if it sound hollow then its done! This goes really well with soups and stews as it has that kind of dumpling texture or just by itself with a bit of butter.


  1. That looks amazing, really good with soup, especially with the weather turning cooler.

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm soooOOOoooOOooOOoooo SOOOOOOOO yummy I just made it before so scrumptious,,, cant wait to try the Italian one :D

    keep blogging Bread .. LOVE IT XX
