Monday, 22 April 2013

Green pawed Bruce

Just thought I'd post some photographs from the weekend to cheer me up - as you can see I was pottering around the garden with a little help from Bruce. Such a handsome dog. I am attempting to grow peas, broad beans, spinach and beetroot in our modest courtyard garden and Saturday was the first seed sowing session. I've tried to go for things that are fairly easy to grow as this is my first attempt - when I was living at the flat I could only grow tomatoes in the kitchen window and I've always wanted to have a go at 'growing your own' (nothing to do, as my sister suggested, with me being tight!) So I took advantage of the sunshine and potted up some peas and sweet peas. Apparently if you plant sweet peas it helps the peas and beans grow as it encourages bees (I am so middle-aged before my time *sigh*).

I must buy some canes to grow them up - this stick was all I had at the time. Here's Brucie trying to help out and looking pretty adorable at the same time.

As the light was so lovely I took the opportunity to try to take Bruce's portrait. I want to get a big print of him framed for the living room wall (probably in black and white). I think that will look pretty cool. Despite 2 of us trying to get him to stay still though these were the 2 best shots. I think we'll have to try again this weekend...

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