Sunday, 14 April 2013

Naan Bread Porthole Pizza

These are a delight and so easy to make! I could live on them. We added mushrooms, spinach, mozzarella and some baked German ham topped with a baked egg. Standard. The beauty is you can add any topping you fancy and they are perfect for breakfast, mid-morning snack with a coffee, dinner and tea. There really are no limits.

(For 2)
2 x naan bread, ready made (I used plain but flavoured are good too)
Couple of tablespoons of pesto
Ball of mozzarella, sliced
Handful of sliced mushrooms
Couple of slices or German baked ham
Handful of baby spinach
Sprinkle of grated cheddar
2 x eggs
Salt & pepper

This is so easy to make it is barely a recipe. I feel I am cheating you by calling it a recipe.

Preheat your oven to 180°C. 

Now take your naan bread and spread pesto over it then arrange your ingredients as you see fit. Try to keep a space clear in the centre of the naan bread for your egg (I build up the edges a bit with the other ingredients). 

Once you've constructed your pizza crack an egg into the middle and sprinkle with a bit of grated cheddar, salt and pepper then pop in the oven for about 10-12 minutes or until the egg is how you like it (a little runny is always nice). Done. Enjoy!

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