Thursday, 18 April 2013

Toffee Apple 'Volcano' Muffins

Toffee and apple is a classic combination and I have wanted to make these for ages. It actually ended up being half toffee apple and half fudge apple muffins in the batch but both were equally delicious. I have been at my parents so used I their kitchen which is far more organised than my own and I was able to get some really nice photos during making these. My niece and nephew were there with my sister and they loved these sticky little treats (with ice cream). We named them Toffee Apple 'Volcano' Muffins because the toffee all bubbled up and over the sides! I know its a long way off but I plan to make these on bonfire night!

I loved displaying them on this vintage tea set with a nice cup of green tea with lemon. I think next time I make them I will do a toffee sauce topping but at the time I thought it might make them too sweet but they actually do not contain a lot of sugar. So here's what you need:

(Makes 15)
300g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
80g golden caster sugar
240ml milk
100g butter melted
2 eggs
pinch of salt
pinch of cinnamon
2 apples, peeled and cubed (I recommend a tart variety like a granny smith or a bramley)
200g mix of toffees and fudge

These toffees and fudge were left over from Christmas so I decided it was high time to make use of them. Preheat the oven to 190°C and line 15 muffin tins (the recipe I adapted these from said they made 12 but I seemed to have a lot of mixture left over and I didn't want to overfill the cases so I'd say they make more like 15 to 16).

Cut the fudge into smaller cubes (I did quarters) and smash up the toffee in a sandwich bag with a small hammer. This bit can be a bit tricky as the toffee has a habit of jumping about.

In a large mixing bowl mix together the eggs, milk, sugar and melted butter then sift in the flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon and stir until thoroughly combined.

 Add in the chopped apples and mix.

Spoon the mixture into the muffin cases so you just fill them about a 3rd then sprinkle the toffee pieces on to half and the fudge pieces onto the other half. Keep a bit behind for sprinkling on the top. Then spoon the rest of the mixture into the cases to fill the cases about 3/4. Sprinkle the remaining toffee and fudge on the top.

Pop in the oven and bake for about 30 minutes. Then transfer to a cooling rack.

Serve warm or cold (they are especially lovely warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream as a pudding!)

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